Hogan Assessment
Christine is in certified to administer Hogan and uses this assessment to kick off most programs with both teams and individuals. Clients will say “it is incredibly accurate.” We use it as an excellent way to increase client emotional intelligence and to provide important insights for the coaching program.
Founded in 1987 by Joyce and Robert Hogan and grounded in more than three decades of validated research, Hogan leads the world in personality assessment and leadership development. With products and services in 56 countries and 47 languages it now serves as an industry leader in the Fortune 500.
Learn more at Hogan Assessments
Utilized for individual executive and team coaching assignments as well as important leadership development, the LVI is utilized to provide individuals with 360 degree feedback: supervisors, peers, subordinates and self perceptions.
The “LVI” helps identify where the leader is rated from too much-just right-or too little in how they lead (forceful and enabling) and what they lead (strategic and operational). It is also customized to answer open ended questions most important for the individual and organizational objectives.
The LVI debrief performed by Christine, contains critical and important information that is directly shared with the client. These results give insights about the perceptions of client performance and identify areas for creating a performance coaching plan regarding their unique strengths and areas suggested for development or modification in behavior.
Learn more at Kaiser Leadership Solutions
Christine is a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) by the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC). This methodology was founded by Bruce D. Schneider, and teaches Core Energy Coaching tools and techniques that “uncover inner blind spots and cultivate new perspectives which support individual success on a sustainable level. The methodology empowers people to dig deeply, honestly, and objectively into their energy and mental programming in order to assess who they are and who they want to become.”
Learn more at iPEC Coaching
Executive Talent Services
Christine is an affiliate partner with Executive Talent Services, LLC, offering Talent Management Consulting, Executive Outplacement, Executive and Key Talent Coaching, Career Concierge and helping organizations and people recognize, develop and fully leverage their talents for maximum career advantage.
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