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Executive Team Retreats

A company’s culture is created at the top, and building a strong team can be a differentiator in performance, engagement and company culture.

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Building trust for team performance

Developing relationships develops the baseline of trust. Trust in the workplace is when team members and coworkers can rely and depend on each other. Individuals who know each other personally, and invest more time in engaging and supporting each other, can work through conflict and solve problems in a more effective way.

In our customized Executive Leadership Retreat, our collective focus will be on introducing new tools to identify and leverage best practices, develop strong partnerships internally and externally and share the benefits throughout the organization.

So how do we align teams for high performance?

Get personal first

Most companies and executives want to get straight to business priorities, but without a strong foundation for mutual respect and psychological safety on the team, those priorities become harder, and sometimes impossible, to accomplish. Being in a remote or hybrid environment can make connection more difficult so we need to be intentional about creating opportunities and strategies to make it happen and ensure everyone has a voice.


Coaching Process


Short-Term and Long-
Term Development


Key Coaching Priorities
and Action Plan

The What (Priorities)
and How (Behaviors)


Customized Executive or Transition Topics based on your program

(see below)


Hogan Assessment & Debrief



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We’ll start by assessing your skills, capabilities and experience to remind you of who you are and what you’re looking for. This will help us create clarity to focus on the ideal role for you in the future.


This is where the Hogan Assessment can be very helpful by reminding you of what your strengths are and what you value to develop personalized strategies to stay motivated.


What behaviors do you need to remind yourself that you might overuse during times of stress? How can you leverage your network and assets to accelerate success and build strong relationships to land and nail your next role? Let’s find out.

Your program and individual sessions are customized based on where you are in your

process and where you want support, but some common focus areas include:


  • Designing your ideal role

  • Refreshing your resume and
    LinkedIn profile

  • Your networking pitch

  • How to use LinkedIn, Networking and
    Target Lists to find opportunities

  • Interview prep

  • Offer negotiation

  • Onboarding


  • Clarifying Goals

  • Creating Actionable Development Plans

  • Positive Mindset & Motivation Techniques

  • Emotional Intelligence, Executive Presence, Leadership Brand, Operating Rhythms, Stakeholder Communication, Intentional Time Management

  • ‘Leadership Moment’ Coaching: Board
    Meetings, Presentations, Town Halls


I'm so proud of my clients. Together we have achieved incredible success in executives landing and performing successfully in new roles by clarifying their goals, committing to the program and working hard to make it happen.


CEO - Mutual Insurance Company

CEO - Global Energy Company

Head of Field Marketing - Software Company

Head of Human Resources - Private Services Company

Head of Financial Services Sector - Private Start Up


It is difficult to imagine a more effective advisor than Christine for my career transition. She offered incredibly helpful advice and support through every phase of the process – initial resume development, comprehensive interview preparation and final offer negotiation. My scheduled sessions with Christine were always enjoyable and extremely helpful, and her open offer to text or call for impromptu advice proved to be invaluable given Christine’s impressive talent for strategic messaging. Christine’s genuine, personal approach made me feel as though I had a partner and a friend through the dynamic and often emotional process of career transition.”

-CEO in Renewable Energy

Let's have a conversation

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